How Cyclists May Benefit from Trying Oh My! Mints Energy & Focus?

Cyclists know a thing or two about pushing their bodies to the max.  Cycling requires enormous amounts of endurance, muscle strength, physical energy, and motivation, all of which can be hard to come by if you’re feeling particularly stressed, fatigued, or distracted with whatever life is throwing at you that day.

The good news is that cyclists can explore all kinds of supplements nowadays which aim to provide the boost that they’re looking for to maximize their performance, especially from us, and then push themselves a little harder.

The Demands of Being a Cyclist

Cycling is one of the most demanding forms of exercise there is, as it’s extremely tough on the muscles – particularly the leg muscles and core of the body – and therefore demands enormous amounts of stamina, as well as overall muscle health.  It’s no surprise that so many cyclists put enormous amounts of effort into maintaining their health, even when they’re off of their bike, through proper diet, sleep, and lifestyle choices that support a healthy body that can sustain long sessions of cycling daily.

Naturally, the physical requirements to be a cyclist mean that a lot of enthusiasts turn to supplementation to give their body some extra help.  Supplementing can provide added nutrients as well as additional active ingredients that provide the body and mind with what it needs so that cyclists can push themselves to reach their goals regardless of changing circumstances like stress, sleep, etc.

Professional vs. Amateur Cycling

Comparing professional cycling with amateur cycling involves looking at several aspects, including training intensity, equipment, race participation, and overall lifestyle.

1.   Training Intensity and Schedule:

  • Professional Cyclists: They follow rigorous training schedules, often riding hundreds of kilometers per week. Their training includes a mix of long rides, interval training, hill climbs, and sometimes cross-training activities. Professional cyclists’ training is tailored to peak for key races and is monitored by coaches using advanced metrics.
  • Amateur Cyclists: Amateurs may ride significantly fewer kilometers per week. Their training is often self-directed, fitting around work or other commitments. It’s usually less structured, with a focus on general fitness, enjoyment, or preparing for local events.

2.   Equipment and Gear:

  • Professional Cyclists: They have access to top-of-the-line bikes and gear, often provided by sponsors. This includes lightweight frames, aerodynamic clothing, and the latest technology in components. They also have teams to maintain and optimize their equipment.
  • Amateur Cyclists: Their equipment varies widely based on budget and interest level. While some may invest in high-end bikes, many use mid-range or entry-level models. The focus is often on comfort and durability rather than cutting-edge technology.

3.   Race Participation and Goals:

  • Professional Cyclists: They compete in prestigious races worldwide, including Grand Tours like the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, and Vuelta a España. Winning or performing well in these races is crucial for their career.
  • Amateur Cyclists: They might participate in local races, charity rides, or gran fondos. Their goals can range from simply finishing to achieving a personal best. The competitive environment is typically more relaxed.

4.   Lifestyle and Support:

  • Professional Cyclists: Cycling is their full-time job. They often have a team of coaches, nutritionists, and physiotherapists supporting them. Their life revolves around training, recovery, and competition.
  • Amateur Cyclists: Cycling is a part of their lifestyle but not the central focus. They balance it with work, family, and other interests. Support, if any, is more likely to come from local clubs or informal groups.

5.   Financial Aspects:

  • Professional Cyclists: They earn their living through cycling, with income coming from contracts, sponsorships, and prize money.
  • Amateur Cyclists: They typically fund their own cycling activities. Some may receive small sponsorships if they are part of a club or team.

6.   Community and Social Aspect:

  • Professional Cyclists: Often part of a close-knit professional community but may have less interaction with local cycling communities due to their travel and training schedules.
  • Amateur Cyclists: Usually more integrated into local or online cycling communities, participating in group rides, and social events related to cycling.


Supplements for Cyclists: What You Should Know

Cycling is a particularly grueling form of exercise, and so supplements for cyclists typically provide a boost in energy and stamina, as well as cognitive benefits that help keep one motivated.  They may also offer support to the muscles of the body, and aid in recovery, so that when the person is done training, their muscles can recover from exertion more quickly to prevent excessive soreness and potential injury.

Of course, some supplements are more ideal than others, and that’s important to keep in mind as the market continues to grow, offering a wider selection of options than ever before.  Because of that, we urge you to carefully look through ingredients lists, and verify that the brand you’re buying from is reputable.  You might be surprised by how many workout supplements on the market are lacking in effectiveness, or even harmful to our health in the long term, due to the fact that the industry remains unregulated for the time-being in the United States.  For instance, many contain synthetic stimulants that are cumulatively bad for the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, meaning that they should be avoided.

OhMy!Mints Energy & Focus: The Ultimate Choice for Cyclists

At OhMy!Mints, we believe that plant-based, holistic performance-boosting supplements are the way to go, as they can offer a more sustainable source of energy and focus to get you through your training, with a far lower risk of anxiety, hyperactivity, or that dreaded crash.  We carefully developed our OhMy!Mints Energy & Focus formula to provide natural and ultimately gentle options for cyclists who are as serious about their long-term health as they are their fitness goals.  Our all-natural mints contain zero synthetic or harmful ingredients, and they also happen to be vegan.  Each Energy & Focus mint contains 50mg PurCaf™ organic caffeine, and 50mg L-Theanine, for a synergistic effect that can take your gym sessions to the next level.

PurCaf™ Organic Caffeine for Cyclists

PurCaf™ is USDA-certified organic caffeine powder, which is sourced from ethically farmed, sustainably grown green coffee beans, offering the ideal absorption rate and bioavailability for those looking to experience better energy levels and concentration during the day, while avoiding an abrupt crash hours after taking the product.

PurCaf™is additive-free, and it offers a far better alternative to synthetic caffeine found in many supplements, energy drinks, and cola beverages.  Synthetic caffeine is more commonly associated with excessive energy that can easily lead to anxiety, along with a harsh crash.  Organic caffeine, meanwhile, is gentler on the system, providing just enough energy to get you through a grueling workout session.

L-Theanine for Cyclists

L-Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea, and many species of edible mushrooms.  It’s a known nootropic that can improve cognitive function and mood, helping a person maintain alertness and concentration, all while feeling more balanced, mentally.  L-Theanine can also keep you calm and relaxed while you exercise, while aiding in the recovery process by supporting the body’s natural state of equilibrium.

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